Children's coaching Spring programme

Spring programme dates:
The Spring 2019 coaching programme will start on Sunday 26 August 2018 and will run for 5 weeks until Sunday 23 September. We are likely to be running 6 classes as shown below, subject to numbers of children applying and with the aim of grouping siblings in consecutive classes where possible:
1.00pm - 1.30pm - 3-4 Years
1.30pm - 2.30pm - 5-6 Years
2.30pm - 3.30pm - 6-7 Years
3.30pm - 4.30pm - 9-11 Years
4.30pm - 5.30pm - 12-14 Years
5.30pm - 6.30pm - 15-16 Years
If you have not already signed up and are interested in your children participating, please contact Richard Smith ( by 29 July. Once we have an idea of numbers, we will confirm back your provisional place (subject to payment), the amount to pay and the times of the classes.
Club rackets are available to use.
Assuming similar uptake to last season, the cost for 5 sessions is expected to be £15 for the 3-4yrs group and £30 for all other age groups.
Once class details and costs have been confirmed, please pay either by:
BACS transfer to the club account, Bank of Scotland, Sort Code: 80 02 33, Account Number: 06001076; or
a cheque made payable to Warriston Community TC (please post or drop the cheque off to the club treasurer, Jeremy Norfolk, 27 Warriston Crescent)
For your child to attend the classes you must be a member of the Warriston Community Tennis Club (see membership page). Payment must be made in advance and your child's place will not be confirmed until payment is made (please do not turn up on the day without confirmation).